The Struggle of Staying Focused

distractionfree focusmastery focuswell mindfulproductivity stayontrack Feb 20, 2024

Staying focused is a tricky thing. Sometimes we are on task and know exactly what we are trying to achieve, other times even remembering what we are doing is a challenge in itself.

The other day I was having a conversation with a young man who was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at age 20. Our conversation was interesting as he was successfully studying at university but has struggled with the concept of focus his whole life. What he was explaining to me was that his challenge isn't staying focused it is what he shuts out and his behaviours when he is hyper focused.  Where he is “in the zone” so much that anything else that needs his attention is ignored. So focus and attention is not always about staying focused sometimes it is about being too focused at the expense of other things.

In this fast-paced world, filled with distractions, maintaining our focus can feel like an uphill battle. 

The Lure of Distractions

Picture this: you're at your desk, determined to finish that project. Your to-do list is neatly laid out, and your goals are crystal clear. But wait, what's that? The alluring ping of a new email. Suddenly, your focus wavers, and you find yourself tumbling down the rabbit hole of your inbox. I’ve been there many times and it isn’t just the ping of my inbox.

Distractions come in many forms – social media notifications, buzzing smartphones, co-workers, the washing or the call of a cozy bed on a rainy day. It's as if the universe conspires to test our ability to stay on track presenting us with so many other interesting things to do and see. 

The warmth of these distractions can be irresistible, pulling us away from our goals with a magnetic force that's hard to resist.

The Battle Within

Staying focused is not just a matter of avoiding external distractions; often, the greatest challenge lies within ourselves. Our minds are curious and they tend to drift away from the task at hand and what appears more interesting at the time can pull our attention in many directions. It's like trying to corral a bunch of playful puppies – they have a mind of their own!

This internal struggle is something we all face, and it's important to acknowledge that it's okay to find it difficult. Beating ourselves up for losing focus is counterproductive; because there are a range of factors at play that are pulling our attention in all directions and our willpower alone is not enough to keep us focused on task The Willpower Myth: What to do when will isn’t enough instead, let's embrace the warmth of self-forgiveness and gently guide our minds back to the task.

Practical Strategies for Focus

So if you are in the zone of focus let's explore some practical strategies you can use to keep you there and let those distractions wait. 

  1. Set Clear Goals 
    Define your objectives and task goals clearly. This will provide you with a sense of direction, making it easier to know when you are moving off path and being tempted by distractions.
  2. Prioritize Tasks 
    We all know this but it can be easy to be tempted by distractions the minute we open our computer. Tackle the most important tasks first. Doing this not only ensures that critical work gets done but also creates momentum that can carry you through the rest of your tasks for the day.
  3. Create a Dedicated Workspace
    Establish a clutter-free workspace that is free from unnecessary diversions. Your desk is your space where great things happen. So keep it free from temptations. 
  4. Take Strategic Breaks 
    Breaks are the best prevention tool for decision fatigue and overwhelm. Take strategic breaks that are short, and intentional can give you the energetic pause you need to help you return to tasks with increased focus.

In the busyness of life, the challenge of staying focused is a common challenge for all of us. By recognizing our distractions, understanding the internal battle of minimising their impact, and employing practical strategies that seamlessly integrate into our day, we can find the focus we need when we need it.

Focus well,


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