Cultivate Awareness Through Noticing

cultivateawareness empathyinaction mindfulliving mindfulworkplace noticingexercises Jan 16, 2024

In our fast-paced world, filled with endless distractions, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of our daily lives. When we feel we are running from one thing to the next it's easy to lose sight of the present, where it feels like life slows down and we can lift our heads and breathe. When we are in this state we notice more of the joy we have already in our lives, we notice opportunities being presented to us and we notice people who are there for us. Have you ever paused to observe the subtle nuances of life around you? It's incredible how much we can learn simply by paying attention.

Just like physical exercise, daily practices and exercises can enhance your skill in noticing and the more you practice, the more aware you become.

I know when I am deliberate in cultivating practices that enhance my awareness I feel more in flow and rather than pushing, opportunities seem to come to me. 

Let's dive into the essence of these exercises and how can apply them into your day. 

The art of noticing

At its core, noticing involves deliberately observing the world without judgment. It's about tuning into the present moment, noticing our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without trying to change them. It sounds simple and sometimes it can feel like an esoteric concept. However, noticing can feel like you have stepped out of the busyness and swirl of activity and take on a perspective that feels slightly removed. So you see things differently. 

To cultivate the power of noticing, here are a few simple practices you can integrate into your day to help you gain a new perspective.

  1. Mindful Breathing: Take a moment to focus on your breath. I have written many times on the power of your breath. This is the simplest, cheapest and mobile strategy to help cultivate awareness. Notice your breath rhythm—the gentle rise and fall of your chest. As you do, you become attuned to the present moment, calming the mind and slowing your body down..

  2. Outside walks: Take a stroll outside and rather than wearing your headphones and looking at your phone, notice the beauty around you through what you see, what you feel and and what you hear. From the rustling leaves to the chirping birds, each element holds its own story. Be thankful for the opportunity to experience these things, and enjoy the gift of the outside world.

  3. Active Listening: This one is often tricky when our brains become distracted. Engage in conversations with a genuine intent to understand, not just respond. Notice the tone, body language, and emotions behind the words. Don’t offer solutions or thoughts, simply listen and be in the conversation. This is a skill we often have to be aware of and practice. 

By consistently practicing noticing exercises, we gradually expand our capacity for perspective and understanding. We develop a deeper connection with ourselves, acknowledging our thoughts and emotions without judgment. This self-awareness then extends outward, allowing us to empathize more profoundly with the experiences of others and those around us.

Embracing noticing exercises isn't always easy. In our fast-paced lives, distractions abound, making it challenging to stay present. However, these very challenges offer opportunities for growth. Each time we bring our focus back to the present moment, we strengthen our ability to observe and appreciate the world around us.



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