Simple Tips for Downtime During School Holidays

downtime school holidays Jun 26, 2023

School holidays are finally here, providing a well-deserved break for your little ones. It's crucial to support them in unwinding and recharging during this time, allowing them to relax and prepare for the upcoming term. The mid-year holidays are particularly important as they will need energy to get them through the next half of the year which can get pretty busy leading up to Christmas (sorry to bring up Christmas already!) To help your child reset these holidays here are some simple tips for downtime over the holidays. The extra benefit is that don't need a device.

1. Get Creative!

Encouraging your children to tap into their imagination is an excellent way to foster creativity and self-expression. Provide them with art projects, coloring books, or even DIY crafts that stimulate their creativity. By engaging in artistic activities, they can explore their imagination and develop their fine motor skills. It's fascinating to witness the unique creations that can emerge from a child's mind when given the opportunity to express themselves artistically.

2. Cozy Reading Time

Creating a cozy reading nook for your children and setting aside dedicated reading time every day can be a wonderful way to help them unwind. Reading not only enhances their language and literacy skills but also provides an escape into the world of imagination. Encourage your children to choose books that interest them, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or even graphic novels. Reading together as a family can also be a bonding experience, as you share stories and explore new worlds through literature.

3. Play and Have Fun

Unstructured play is an essential aspect of childhood development and a recent study by the University of Melbourne found that unstructured play promotes cognitive, social, and emotional development in children. It also allows children to explore, challenge themselves, and switch off from the demands of school life. Encourage your children to engage in imaginative play, building forts, inventing stories, or playing dress-up. Outdoor adventures such as bike rides, nature walks, or trips to the local playground can provide opportunities for physical activity and exploration. Remember, as parents, you can join in with them, fostering special bonding time and creating cherished memories. 

4. Quality Family Time

The school holidays offer a unique opportunity to spend quality time together as a family. Plan activities that bring everyone together and create lasting memories. Movie nights, where you can snuggle up on the couch with popcorn and watch a family-friendly film, can be a fun and relaxing experience. Board game tournaments provide not only entertainment but also foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills. Cooking sessions can be a chance to teach your children valuable life skills while enjoying delicious meals together. 

As parents, it's important to remember that school holidays are a time for relaxation and rejuvenation for everyone. By implementing these simple tips for downtime, you can support your children in unwinding and recharging during the break. Embrace the holiday break and enjoy this precious time with your little ones.

Angela Lockwood

Creator of The C.A.P.A.B.L.E Learning Methodology

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