Create a calm family life

calm calm kids family life Apr 18, 2023
Mother and child calm family life

I have always aspired to having a calm family life. In fact a calm life! I’ve always had a busy head, busy schedule, busy body so finding calm has been a way of life I have both aspired to and needed to help me thrive. This pursuit for calm led me to write my second Book “Switch Off. Finding calm in a noisy world.” Then the re-release version “Switch off and find calm”. Years of my life were focused on researching and implementing strategies to help me and my family find calm in our lives and still do the things in life we wanted to. Re-visiting strategies of calm feels like a daily occurrence as I remind myself of why calm is important and how calm helps us to not only focus on what is important but thrive being the best we can in whatever we choose to do.

When it comes to parenting, being a parent is a challenging and rewarding job, and finding calm can feel like a luxury rather than a way of being, a way of living. When we have young children it can feel as though life is a constant hustle, a whirlwind of play dates, school, sport and constantly re-defining our parenting. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this whirlwind doesn’t stop, even as a parent of teenage kids! 

However, there are ways as parents we can create a relaxed and happy atmosphere at home even when our days feel full of activity and noise. These are ways I have covered in “Switch Off” as well as other writings that have proven to help families find calm in their lives and still get everything done!

1. Establish Routines

Children thrive on structure and predictability, and having a routine helps them feel more secure and in control. Setting a regular schedule for meals, homework, playtime, and bedtime can reduce stress and make the day run more smoothly. For example, setting aside a specific time for family meals each day can encourage communication and strengthen family bonds. A set bedtime routine will signal to our kids that it is time to wind down helping with positive sleep habits.

2. Encourage Open Communication

Effective communication is vital to creating a harmonious family life. Encouraging open communication between family members allows for the expression of thoughts, feelings, and needs. Listening attentively, showing empathy, and validating emotions helps kids feel understood and valued, creating important relationships and avenues for kids to feel safe and secure. Create moments in the day to talk such as over dinner, before bedtime or in the car on the way to and from school. 

3. Promote Healthy Habits

Encouraging children to eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and get enough sleep helps our kids to manage stress and helps with maintenance of energy. Physical activity, such as playing sports or going for a family walk, can be an excellent stress-reliever and mood booster and another opportunity for connection and conversation. Good sleep hygiene, such as establishing a consistent bedtime routine, can also help children feel more rested and relaxed.

4. Create a Cozy Environment

Creating a cozy and inviting home environment can contribute to a calm and peaceful family life. Decorating the home with comfortable furniture, soft lighting, and warm colors can help create a soothing atmosphere. Family photos, artwork, and sentimental objects can also add to the warmth and comfort of the home. In addition, having a designated space for each family member to relax and unwind can provide a sense of privacy and personal space, this can be their bedrooms, a play space or even a treehouse in the backyard!

5. Encourage Family Time

Spending quality time together as a family can foster stronger relationships and create a sense of unity. Engaging in shared activities, such as playing board games or cooking together, can create positive memories and reduce stress. Family outings, such as going to the park or attending a local event, can also provide a break from the routine and promote family bonding. 

6. Model Calm Behaviour

As a parent, modelling calm behaviour is essential for creating a peaceful family life. Children learn by example, and parents who remain calm and composed during stressful situations can teach children to manage their emotions effectively. Responding to conflicts with empathy and understanding, instead of anger and frustration, can also promote a peaceful atmosphere at home. Research has shown that parents who model healthy emotional regulation, have children who exhibit more self-control and empathy.

Creating a calm and peaceful family life is a gradual process that requires time, patience, and effort. Implementing these strategies in your family will benefit everyone in the family unit. The outcome? Less stress, smoother days and stronger family relationships.

Angela Lockwood

Creator of The C.A.P.A.B.L.E Learning Methodology


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