Reclaim your health and joy as a Mum
An interview with Dr. Ali Young
Reclaim your health and joy as a Mum
An interview with Dr. Ali Young
Being a Mum is hard work. It can feel like you are always putting yourself last and before you know it your health, happiness and spark have faded. In this episode, Angela Lockwood speaks with Dr. Ali Young, Author of "Work.Mama.Life" about the simple ways mums can regain their health to feel energised and healthy without adding to the overwhelm of life.
Episode Transcription
Dr. Ali Young's Book: Work.Mama.Life
kids mums joy people feel brain important burnout health book overwhelm find moms body life mothers stressed world big stress
Angela: Welcome to A Kid's Life Podcast. I'm Angela Lockwood. And my guest today is one of the most vibrant, energetic yet calm people I have met and I'm even looking at her beautiful smiling face right now as we're recording. And she just looks like the perfect balance of energy and calm, which I love. Dr. Ali Young is a chiropractor with a Masters in Pediatrics. She is also a health and motherhood strategist, which I love and we're going to get into, she's changing the face of healthy working mums lives which I love. I am one of those sometimes not always healthy, but I am definitely a working mum and I have a very full life so I am going to love speaking with Ali today. She also runs an online course for busy working mums, looking to reclaim their health and self and then bringing the health and heart back to motherhood. Oh my gosh, I can't wait. I have just recently pre-ordered her very soon-to-be-released book. Yeah, Work. Mama. Life. which we'll talk about. Her podcast is Work. Mama. Life and she's the owner also of innate Chiropractic in sunny Gladstone in Northern Queensland here in Australia. She's a mother of two children, a speaker, and now an author, you can see why she is very well equipped to help us, busy moms, be at our best. Welcome to A Kid's Life Podcast, Dr. Ali Young.
Ali: Yay! Thanks for having me. I'm so excited to be on here today. This is great!
Angela: I'm so excited. I'm exhausted though reading that.
Ali: Sometimes I exhaust myself too. Don't worry. One of my girlfriends told me last week she's like, Yeah, you are exhausting to be around sometimes. That makes sense to me.
Angela: Do you know why I love, I obviously love your energy. I've met you before and there's something about people who are very joyful. And this sounds so funny but can be exhausting. But it's an exhaustion that energizes you because I think what we do sometimes don't we around joy and happiness is sometimes when we're not feeling it, we can look at people who are feeling it and go, Oh, it's so easy for you because of all these reasons. But you know, here I am just reading your bio, and you have every reason to be tired and exhausted. So I can't wait to get into how you can stay so vibrant and optimistic. And so giving to other mums. So yeah, yeah.
Ali: Thank you. Yeah, practice, practice, practice.
Angela: Well, let's get into some of those things. You know, I am being partly selfish. I seem to choose guests on my podcast that I say it's all about my listeners. But sometimes I feel like I'm also the same. So I'll really do want to get straight into the core of things. Ali, why are mums so stressed today?
Ali: Such a good question. And I think it's so pertinent in our times of the last few years, I think it's pretty much two years to the day since Australia started to go into COVID-related restrictions. So be it lockdowns or changes and upheavals. And I've noticed a huge shift in that time, from mums who were coasting along and doing really well and you know, working and doing other things. And all of a sudden, they got thrust into a motherload of expectations around home education, trying to maintain work, trying not to let their kids be on screens all the time, trying to stay connected to their families, and doing things. So we're seeing that the stress load didn't have the opportunities to get out of their system. So normally, if we would be stressed, we would find a way to get that stress out, we'd go and move our bodies, we'd connect with some friends, we do something fun like that, and a lot of that got taken away from us. And so then our loading of stress has continued to increase. And I feel like it's nearly got to a stage over for some months, like a traumatic pathway where we've now triggered into stresses our constant state of being. And we have to reteach our brains how to get out of that stress state and back into that calm, resilient state again.
Angela: It almost feels a little bit uneasy even speaking about it. I think, Ali like when you were to say that I could feel some little butterflies in my stomach and I'm thinking, oh, yeah, this is an uncomfortable space. Are you finding that the women that you're speaking to are in that uncomfortable space right now of going I know it but I'm not really sure how in the world we're going to stop this?
Ali: Yeah, absolutely. And it's even as simple as recognizing that they are functioning in that state because I think we get to a point where we just keep going and we keep going. And it's become a new normal for us that when we get an opportunity or a reminder to stop into taking stock of how we're feeling on the inside and how to ask ourselves, what do we need right now, we're noticing that our body is craving, some slowness, and some stillness and some quiet, there's so much noise around, or we've been surrounded by families a lot, obviously, more than perhaps we normally would. And the noise is continued, Zooms, and the noise of media and governments making announcements all the time, and everything's really noisy. And so our brains and our bodies just need to quiet but it ups to a point where we're nearly craving that noise now because it's become so much part of it that we wake up and we check our phones and digital devices straightaway. Because our and it's just a subconscious thing that you do to see what's going on in the world. And I feel like the last few years have amped that up a lot. Yeah.
Angela: It really concerns me sort of five years ago, I wrote Switch Off: How to Find Calm in a Noisy World five years ago, yeah. And I referred to a book that was written 10 years prior to that in my book by Carl Hinault, which was Under Pressure. And he had sort of pre-warned us that this was all happening. And if we didn't slow down, we're going to have, you know, major fallout and physical and mental health. What my concern is, are we actually taking notice, you know, we've been, I feel like we've been talking about the speed of life is speeding up, do you think people are taking notice? And what are you seeing that people are starting to do to hopefully change the situation we're in?
Ali: I feel like people are finally starting to take notice, because their bodies have hit that burnout point, however, that looks for them. And the first thing I see people doing is switching off, I think we're getting a lot more conscious downtime away from screens and input, and a lot more calmness, there's a big shift in the world, I think around finding calm, and trying to connect back intuitively to what that might look like for them as an individual. Yeah. And so for some people calm is moving heavy objects in the gym. And for some people, it's walking in nature or swimming at the beach, or having a short 10-second cold shower or something that just gets the body back into itself again. And I think that's where we're navigating mums trying to find a way that's easy for them to put in their week to get that car to start that chain of events.
Angela: What are some of the things that you do you know, we always love, I love thinking, you know, you listen to people, and they're talking about all these tips and strategies. And I think, Oh, what do you do? So I enjoy it. What are some of the things that help you find calm throughout your day?
Ali: Number one is my cold shower. So I always finish my shower on cold because it gets my Vegas into this really happy place, which at this time of the year in sunny central Queensland super easy to do. In winter time, it's a lot harder to do.
Angela: But a good one, I've never thought of that finishing off our cold.
Ali: Yeah, so 10 seconds, 30 seconds, a minute, whatever you can do. And if it's really hard for you just put your hands in. I'm now at a point where I can fully do my whole body. But I think it took me when I started that when I was in burnout. I couldn't do more than arms for ages. And it took me a long time for my body to take the cold on. So it's kind of like an ice bath. But you're doing it in the shower way easier than navigating putting an ice bath in your backyard. So that is definitely my number one and moving slowly. So I was very big busy. Heavy moves are like I love hit workouts. I played state touch football. There was a lot of that in my history. And as the world changed and burnout came in, I found I needed to move slowly but intentionally. So going for a walk in nature every morning. I take the kids yes, there's when doing and they don't like it. But that is another one of my strategies that if we get that in some movement in the morning, and sometimes I can't take the kids or it's not the right day for it. So I do an 11-minute yoga off YouTube. And that's enough to get my brain into a different space. So they're definitely my two best ones and making sure I drink enough water.
Angela: Yes. Water, hydration. One of the things I loved over sort of the last two years was being online. One of the good things was is everyone was online. So all yoga and pilates and workouts and everything all came online. So I I've just Joe wicks, I'm just gonna get completely forgotten his name then. But Joe wicks, body coach. Oh my gosh, like he was doing all this cool stuff for kids. So I was intrigued by that. But then I realized all these other activities so I would get in there and just do like a 25 minute. You know, who am I kidding? Sometimes I did the 15 Minute ones. Sometimes I do this but it was there, right. And I could feel in my body so much when I didn't do it, how tight I felt or how uptight I felt as well when I didn't do that movement. So there was a lot of stuff I think hopefully people tapped into over that time that they will continue on.
Ali: You know, what's interesting is that I find as mums, everything that we do is in the, what I call a bipedal motion. So we're straightforward and back, and moving sideways and rotating through our spine is actually really, really important for our brain. So walking in nature is good, because you get the beautiful nature input. But what's even better is like something that involves a rotation type movement. So I've that's why I like the yoga or at home workouts because we move sideways, we rotate that does a different arc of motor planning in our brain. And that's really good for us. And it's really good for our kids as well. So try and like you said, Joe wick stuff was really brilliant that cosmic kids yoga, I love that just pop it on in the mornings and the kids like on their finishing. They're just in a different space. Yeah.
Angela: I love that. I started reformer Pilates after I had sort of a knee reconstruction, and yeah, back injuries and all this all the stuff that you showed me, I wasn't young anymore. But I realized when all the things went into lockdown, and that stopped, again, like just how much your body seizes up when you're not in that type of movement. And I think that's a really big reminder for all of our listeners that, and I love that sense of the backward and forwards motion, we're always that sort of multi-modal, unilateral, really motion, but I love that I can really picture that in my mind that we're going to be an awful movement to really get the benefits.
Ali: And that's why you like, I'd give kids often climbing wall work. So we've got a really long lateral climbing wall in the town. And I'm like, You need to go there twice or three times a week and go around and a few times because they just don't move their bodies in that way. And it just changes everything. And for us as mums who are busy sitting at a desk often working straight in front of us, then walking to and fro leaning up and down. Yeah, it's really good.
Angela: What we're talking about kids, you know, that's where my heart lies. I love my parents, but I love my kids as well. And what do you, How are you seeing stress? Like everything that the kids have been through what we've been through kids are going through as well, what are you seeing stress manifesting like in the kids that you're working with?
Ali: Yeah, so I guess our chiropractic practices may be a little different from what people expect. It's not a big, bone-crunchy type of experience. It's more neurodevelopmental. But the big thing I'm noticing is big posture shifts. So we're seeing kids turning up with a forward head carriage. And we can easily blame it on screens and devices. And yes, that's definitely increased. But we also know that our brain when we're stressed moves us into that forward posture because it's getting ready to help us run fast away from the line that's chasing us down the street. So we're seeing that in kids as well as adults. And we need to really help them learn how to fire those back of the neck and middle of the back muscles again, so get those extensors happening, because that helps their whole body to feel calm and safe. I'm also seeing kids show up worried about things that they probably historically wouldn't be worried about. And small things, their threshold has definitely altered. And we're seeing those thresholds lower. Yeah.
Angela: Yeah, that's where, my heart sort of drops when I hear other health professionals saying that because, yeah, kids are very aware of what's going on in the world. And as we do as adults, our mental health and physical health are just so closely connected, the interconnected really insane for our kids. So what can parents be particularly mothers be really mindful of right now with their own health and well-being of how they can be good role models for their kids? And I think I will get to the question in a sec. But I think what we've got to realize too, is that we're all trying our best, aren't we? I know that you really, you work with mothers all the time that we're all trying our best, but going to sources that are credible, like you, Ali, who live and breathe this every day, you see the kids you see the mums, I think it's important for parents to jump off Google and go to credible sources because otherwise it can add to the overwhelm of all the things that we're not doing. And it becomes this vicious circle. So how can we as mums be mindful of our own health? What are some of the things we can do so our kids can learn the good stuff from us?
Ali: Yeah, I think there are five simple tools and in my book, Work. Mama. Life. It's right quite an in-depth thing in this but I think the key elements like you said is we want to avoid overwhelm for months. When we are thinking about our health, and so we often speak about, you take one thing out and put one thing in. So you're not trying to do 1000 new things, we're just choosing one element. And modeling, our health can go in the five core areas, so we can do it through food. And I think, for me, getting my kids to help me prepare the food is the easiest way for me to help model healthy food to them. And when they're involved in that, even if it's sitting at the kitchen bench and cutting some carrots, or Keaton or not character to have cucumbers, things like that, that I find that they're more likely to eat it and they understand how everything comes together. So they can watch me sell it. But then being prepared and helping make it definitely makes them more likely to eat it. So that's really good. I'm thinking in calm. I love sitting with my kids and just saying I'm journaling now do you want to get a book and write out your thoughts in your brain. And they want my daughter particularly really loves doing that. And my son will do yoga. So if I'm doing morning yoga, I'll always put a kid's yoga on afterward, because they will just do it because I've seen Mundo and it's just the normal thing. And movement is the same. As I said, I love to take I love to move with the kids and take the kids with me when I'm doing exercise. Yes, it's frustrating because it means I'm not getting that as the intensity of the workout. But I'm getting the beautiful family connection time. And I'm getting them moving their bodies and it just becomes a habit that we get up and we take the dog for a walk and we go in the bush should we do some movement and I think that's really important modeling that we can do. Sleep is the unforgotten health benefit for mums because we often want to stay up late so that we can get that alone time for ourselves. But making sure that we get enough sleep is great. And encouraging our kids to sleep. My daughter definitely is a sensitive soul. So she uses meditation every night now to help her go to sleep. And while just writing that, well, I call it won't be a forever thing. And if it is, is it a bad thing, no guided meditation to help us like just off YouTube. But giving her the tools to do that, I think was really good. And the final thing I think is our kids need to see us being joyful and fun. And, and finding ways to do that. Like, the connection is such an important thing for mums. Our brains are designed to have connections with people. That's what makes us so human. That's why dogs love dog parks, right? Because they're connecting with their people. And they love sniffing butts, and us as mums, we love connecting with our friends as well. And so I like to make a priority of making sure my kids understand that when we're doing that, like I went away for a conference on Friday to speak at. But I was like, they're like, why don't you can just Zoom in. And I'm like, I could Zoom in but I want hugs from my friends. And I really want to see more people. No, no, yeah, that makes sense. I like seeing more people too. So you know, just having those conversations, I think is really, really important, too.
Angela: Yeah. And what I just heard through all of that, too, is the importance of your role modeling to kids. So you do yoga, they follow up with yoga, you take them for a walk, so they come on a walk with you in nature and have that journaling. And is that what you're finding when we're really busy as mums? Sometimes we forget that our kids are watching?
Ali: Yeah, I think that's easy. And it's really easy for them to jump on a screen. Like when I'm busy and working. I do it as well. I'm like, if I'm home and they're home, I'll be like, Oh, you just go watch a movie for an hour and I'm going to do some work. And yes, sometimes we've got to do that. But other times, they'll come in and help me do the things which are really nice as well. But yeah, it is really easy when we're busy. And in that rushing mindset to get into that mode. Yeah.
Angela: Ali for anyone that's listening who is feeling they're in that real cycle of overwhelm right now and thinking about all sounds lovely, but holy moly, I in my head is going under this water right now. What have you got any sort of not advice, I guess, but what do you recommend? You know, being a health professional, as well and you know, obviously a leader in looking after mums well-being as well, can you recommend for any of those mums that are feeling like I'm just coping right now?
Ali: Yeah, I think finding someone to support you right now is really important. So be it. Calling your best friend, your partner, a health professional, someone that can you can sit with and go. I'm really struggling and choose just one thing for you that's really easy and take back control of what you know you intend innately need. Do something that you feel like you're in control of that because a lot of that overwhelm from the conversations with the months is because they feel like they're doing everything for everybody else. And they've lost the ability to know what even what they want for themselves. And so if you can find that again and get that control of one little tiny thing in your day, it starts that beautiful serotonin and dopamine pathway of I have got this, I've totally got this. And then maybe just maybe it will ping you into doing another one. And then another one.
Angela: I think sometimes, too, we have to listen to our kids, don't we like I have a teenage son. And I'd like to hope that my children are quite intuitive. Kids actually, I know, they're very intuitive kids. And I remember, I was driving with my son a few months ago. And I got off the phone. You know, it was hands-free for those people that just freaked out thinking, oh my gosh, I was hands-free. And, and my I got off and I just went did this like a big sigh. And he said, Mum, why do you offer help to everybody when it stresses you out? Yes. Oh, my gosh, Ali, I wanted to like, push him out of the car at the same time as holding him so close and go, Oh, my gosh, my beautiful child. I was. You know, I was in this really like he could see but I couldn't. Yeah. And what I loved about that is it started a conversation that I actually asked him for his advice. Yeah, he's a 14-year-old boy. And I said, What are you seeing I'm doing mate? And had this beautiful conversation. And I will say it was that point in my life, a life-changing conversation. And it was through the eyes of my kids. And I realized that. Yeah, maybe I was just offering everyone help. To help, you know, I normally offer help with and now I'm saying no, you can blame my son.
Ali: The control thing that reclaiming of no and learning how and when to say it too, because it's so easy to say yes. And I'm the world's biggest people pleaser. And it's definitely been one of my things as well.
Angela: So what led you to write so actually, we haven't really mentioned the issue much and I'm so excited. You've got Work. Mama. Life, your new book coming out on the first of April, which is so exciting. As I said, I've pre-ordered it. I can't wait for it to come. Why did you decide right now is an important time to write a book like this for mum? So working on the life and I love the title, by the way.
Ali: And she came to me on a nature bushwalks.
Angela: Tell me why did you write it? Why the title and you know, what can mums expect in this book that's different?
Ali: I went through burnout at the beginning before COVID. So I actually, my body went into full "This is not okay mode Ali" and I in coming through that I realized, well, if I'm a health professional, who knows all these things, and that still happens to me, there's going to be other people out there. And then COVID happened. And then I got asked about writing a book. And I was like, Well, yes, let's do this, because I think it's a really important thing. So it is from burnout and overwhelm to abundant joy, health and vitality. So it's all for mums who are feeling that pressure of life, and different ways that we can navigate it. So the first part of the book is about our motherhood experience. So we dive into the perfect mother myth. We look at the societal expectations on mothers and how that's driving a health epidemic in my view, and and we talk a lot about brains in a fun way. It's not too nerdy.
Angela: Come on Ali, you're Dr. Ali Young, they'd have to be a little bit of nerd in there.
Ali: I write it in his little nerd speak. Um, but you had mentioned Vegas before. There's a lot of chat about Vegas and about how we fight that's not Las Vegas. By the way. What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas in your body. But what happens in Vegas does stay in Vegas in Las Vegas apparently I've ever been. I'm like, well, well. Yeah, I know. I love that one. Um, but yeah, so the first part is all about that. And then the second part is the mama is the work is the mama journey. So it's the five pillars to healthy motherhood. So give you all the different tools in the toolkit that are really simple, and a bit of the why behind it, of why that's important. And then the life section is well how the hell do I put this in my life? Because that is overwhelming if you look at all of it at once, so we go through strategies to simplify and make it easy Why so by the end of the book, you should actually have a really beautiful plan of attack basically to rejig simply and easily out of overwhelm and find that happy joy, healthy, vital self again, which is really cool.
Angela: You've just touched on a word actually, I have these three letters in wood carvings on the wall in my family room, and it is joy. Why? Why do you think we've lost joy? And how can we get some joy back? Because even the saying the word joy, it makes it joyful? Like, what is it about? What is it about joy that makes us feel so great?
Ali: Yeah, well, we've got this pattern in our brain that thrives on joy. And what's really amazing and I was researching the book, when I discovered this is that we can actually train our brain to be more receptive for joy. And we can get a bigger joy point within our neurology. So the more we seek joy and find things that make us joyful, the more we are receptive and aware of the joy in the world. And I think, for me in my 20s, being a, I was a career woman, no kids until my mid-30s. And I always had joy come up as an important value for me, but I never acknowledged it because you know, a serious career person doesn't have joy as an important thing. And it's not until going through this journey that I realized that if we as mums can find some of those joy moments, again, it actually changes the way our brain fires, which is just so good for us. So it could be as simple for joy as finding an old song that you loved. That brings back a really nice memory, or pulling an old dress out of the cupboard, and, you know, shimmying around with it, it might be going on a holiday or place you went as a kid that has a joyful memory. So it can be really, really simple as definitely music in our house. Music is our big joy point here. And I'm very slowly teaching my kids all the words to the bad 90s hip hop, and I love myself for it. Because it brings my joy and they think they're cool, because they're like being ironic. And until they go to school and sing it. I know. I know. We do clean versions. I got on Catholic school. We'll get kicked out.
Angela: I'm hearing Eminem here right now.
Ali: So we're sticking with like Gangster's paradise at the moment.
Angela: I love Spotify and Spotify playlist on put together like that my feel-good driving. You know, I always seem to feel like I'm in the car taking a child to something. And I tell you what, it just transforms me when I hate rocks it like I'm going to show my age he rushed it meatloaf. God rest his soul actually. God rest their souls, jeez. And yeah, all those that sort of starship,
Ali: Ah, you know, Journey.
Angela: Yeah. I know, Africa, my gosh, we could keep going. But that sort of playlist as soon as I put it on, I know that I feel great. And my kids look at me like are you mad. But then they just start laughing. And then you know, I'm rocking it out. And the fact that I know some of the songs that they are like, how do you know that song? I'm like, because it's the rave version of it now, like, Come on, kids. I was cool back then. So yeah, having that join. Can feel uncomfortable a little bit, kind of, I think, you know, there's a lot of research around joy being the opposite to fear. Yeah, they're very, they're very closely linked almost as well. So yeah, stepping out of our comfort zone and being okay with being minifigures.
Ali: I think that being when the world is heavy, having a way to shift your state, energetically is really, really important. And yeah, that is where the joy fits so perfectly, because like you said, we can be in that fear brain that we don't even realize that we're in so we can test your oxygen saturation rates and measure your HRV. And it's going to tell us that you're stressed, but you won't necessarily feel stressed. But then we can get that joy point happening. And it's like, that's so much better.
Angela: You've just touched on something that was so I went to my doctor, okay, I don't often do I'm not I'm very, very rarely sick. And I actually wasn't sick. I was just feeling a little bit fat and frumpy. Yes. You know, I wasn't feeling like I was a bit puffier than normal. Luckily, my GP is a friend and I went in there and I had a chat with her and I said look, I'm feeling like this and she just looked and she's just overweight not looking after yourself right now. This was a while ago. And I remember like, again, it seemed that moment where I was feeling really supported. But also like, I don't know, but it was the best thing that she said to me because it woke me up that there actually wasn't anything wrong with me. I didn't need to get a blood test. I didn't need to do anything else. Except stop bouncing around. Yeah. Because chicken with my head cut off. Yes, take some time and practice what I preach, read it, read my own book, and actually just slow things down. And it was interesting that I was looking for a medical reason to explain why I was feeling the way that I was when actually it was just I needed to progress and look after myself and rest and eat well, and move and do these amazing things that you're now sharing, you know, with people as well, which is just important. So important. Yeah. So April Fool's Day is when Work. Mama. Life. goes out, you know, we're talking about joy. Did you choose that day?
Ali: They told me and I was like, oh, yeah, that's a good day. I notice.
Angela: That in itself is joyful, a Friday, right? Is my work. Life comes out there, is it? Of course, it's in all the great bookstores, any terrible bookstores that are boring won't have it.
Ali: No boring bookstores definitely don't have it. But you can get it online at Amazon and Booktopia and Dymocks. They're the big three, I think in Australia, and it will be in bookstores.
Angela: Yeah. And I invited Ali on everyone not to plug her book. But I think you all really need to read Ali's book. Her stuff is so simple, yet powerful. It's embedded in science, but it's also very practical. You can implement it as a very stressed out mum but even as a woman who's if you're not a mum, but you know you've lost touch with your health and your vitality and joy that then this is a book really that you need to read in for anybody else who you know if you think I want more than the book, then, of course, Ali's got all of her beautiful programs that are on her website.
Angela: And Ali, right now, things are in a pivotal stage in particular here in Australia again, you know, we've just had a lot of floodings, we've had a lot of natural disasters. COVID, schools have been a little bit in chaos. What's one thing right now that mums can do other than buying your book and learning all the different strategies, what is one thing that mums can do right now, just to start the journey of feeling happy, healthy, vibrant, energetic, all these amazing things you talk about?
Ali: Two things I'd love each one to do is hug their kids morning and night for 30 seconds each. That connection, because that changes their brain and just get outside every day with their feet on the grass or the sand or whatever they need to do and just stand there and breathe really beautiful, deep, soulful breaths, we talk a lot about box breathing in my world where we imagine there's a box and we breathe in for a count of four, hold it in for a count of four, breathe out for a count of four, hold it out for a count of four, standing in the grass, staring at some trees, doing that breath work for like two to five rounds, will immediately feel a calmness in their system that maybe they're not feeling and I do that. Sitting on my computer desk between patients in my practice, like it's a really simple tool to just take that breath and calm down again.
Angela: Cuddles and breathing. I think they're two things we can 100% do. And Dr. Ali Young, thank you so much. I always love speaking to you, listening to your own podcast on Work. Mama. Life. and I can't wait for the book. I'm so excited for you. Because I know this will be the information that people are really needing to hear right now. But I do encourage you when you read the book, everybody, please start to make some of the changes because the world needs you, actually your family needs you. And from my perspective, your kids need you and they want this gorgeous mum that they can look up to when and see that's how I can do life and be amazed.
Ali: Beautiful ripple effect that it starts as a mother and then it's just like that pebble in the ocean. It goes to the kids and out to the community. And that's what I'm really trying to help our mums be.
Angela: Yay mums, God love you. Big cuddle to all the mums that are listening and to all those women who are championing their own health and well-being too. So Dr. Ali Young, thanks so much for being on A Kid's Life podcast.
Ali: Thanks for having me.
Angela: And so that was Dr. Ali Young joining me today. All of the links to where you can buy the Work. Mama. Life., her newly released book on the first of April from Booktopia, and all leading bookstores are all linked underneath and to all of her wonderful programs that you can connect with her about but I'm sure you can agree with me that you can feel Ali's energy and love of life and really deep care of making sure that our mums are looked after just through this conversation. So if you want to know of any other programs that are available, please go to and for any other support programs that you're wanting to learn about how you can better support your own children on sort of being their best please go to and you can check out my program Calm Confident Kids on there. So thanks for joining me, everyone. Have a wonderful week and until next time, enjoy.